

The Danforth, otherwise known as Greektown, is a commercial-residential neighbourhood and ethnic enclave. It is located on Danforth Avenue, between Chester Avenue and Dewhurst Boulevard, in east Toronto. Named after Asa Danforth, Jr., an American contractor who designed Queen Street and Kingston Road, the area is known for its architecture dating back to as early as 1910, and for its number of Greek restaurants and stores. The area was one of the major settlement areas of Greek immigrants to Toronto after World War I.

THE STATS (Scored out of 100)

Vibrant streets, delicious food and a tight-knit population, The Danforth has it all! Locals come from all income levels and live in a mix of second-floor apartments and modest houses that are still within reach for the average Torontonian. The area’s main draw may be its proximity to five subway stations, including Pape, the proposed terminus of a potential relief line (we can dream, right?).

For more information, visit www.torontolife.com
